Hi all, thank you so much for coming this weekend, it was a lovely sea of faces and voices! As requested, everyone who shared their email in the chat is included here so that you all can remain in contact, and I have summarised all the links, resources and events that everyone shared. Our next meeting is the third sunday in November, and this will be a closed support call for BIPOC identifying individuals only. Our next open meeting will be in a month from now and we will have a speaker for you all to share their experiences. If you have a speaker that you could like to see join us, please do let me know!
Stay in touch with the BIPOC council
Links, resources and events shared!
A conversation with Ivy Summer of Greek Village Cohousing, on Sunday, Oct 17th
A little about Ivy
I have a decade of experience in the hospitality industry, community management, and in the field of diversity & inclusion. I’m a serial entrepreneur and a personal/professional development nerd who loves traveling, dancing, hiking, gardening, learning new languages, cooking, baking, Netflix, and really fulfilling conversations with strangers waiting to become friends. You can me @lunchwithivy on Instagram documenting my adventures, and check out my blog where I talk about general insights, travel, and exactly what you need in order to obtain any of the many of the different types of visas you can get to live in Greece – all via the link in my blog.
About the monthly BIPOC Support Calls:
Our mission is to inspire, support & assist black, indigenous, people of color and other socially disenfranchised groups to find, found or create intentional community. This is an open event, everyone is welcome to join! (Some of our support calls are for BIPOC identified people only, but this is open to all)