Healing Conversations
Conversations that heal your soul in troubling times
Presenter: LaRahna Hughes, MSS
Social First Responders are created within communities, groups, and organizations when individuals are trained and experienced with conducting Healing Conversations. With these trained Social First Responders, our communities, groups, and organizations are better able to be socially resilient during times of conflict and crisis. These communities are also better able to achieve social wellness and wholeness before, during, and after times of conflict and crisis as well as during times of peace (absence of conflict and crisis).
This Healing Conversations event is designed to be an interactive introduction and learning experience in the use and application of SocialTech/Social Triage (the Set of Tools developed to help individuals and organizations transition to sustainable-value based living). This training will introduce how to use these tools for trauma mitigation, conflict resolution, and conflict de-escalation.
For BIPOC Council Members Only (How to Join)
Sunday, September 18, 2022
2-4pm EST