April 18, 2021 2pm EST
View a recording of the call on Facebook.
The intentional community council for black, indigenous, and people of color, welcomes you to the first movers & founders support call ?
We are thrilled to bring you a speaker from Sogorea Te’ Land Trust – an urban Indigenous women-led land trust based in the Ohlone territory (San Francisco Bay Area), that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people.
The council’s focus is intersectional and liberatory, weaving in as many perspectives and voices as possible. In our organizational work, we examine the many barriers that BIPOC folks face in sustaining intentional community, led by us, for us. We believe that we can support our communities by creating a new resource for the creation and sustenance of thriving BIPOC-led communities.
The council aims to serve the BIPOC-led communities, individuals and groups who are dreaming new communities into existence.
This is a space to meet others, learn how to find, start, build or join an intentional community. This is first of many to come.
Everyone is welcome to this event but please note that the Seekers and Founders support call was created to incubate BIPOC and other disenfranchise groups’ access to intentional community and to amplify their voices so we ask that all participants limit their shares to 3 minutes or less so that all who wish to share may do so.
Hi all, thank you so much for coming this morning, it was a lovely sea of faces and voices! As requested, everyone who shared their email in the chat is included here so that you all can remain in contact, and I have summarised all the links, resources and events that everyone shared. Our next meeting is a month from today, and this will be a closed support call for BIPOC identifying individuals only. Our next open meeting will be in three months.
Stay in touch with the BIPOC council
- https://www.instagram.com/bipoc.ic.council/
- https://www.facebook.com/BIPOCFund
- www.ic.org/donations/bipoc
Links, books & resources shared this morning
- https://plantingjustice.org
- For anyone on Ohlone territory, or who wishes to support this work you can pay the voluntary land tax here & Sogorea ‘Te has an option for organizations (rather than individuals) to pay the shuumi land tax
- Bay Area based Peoples life fund http://www.nowartax.org
- https://ggjalliance.org/
- Great book called ‘Sacred Instructions’ by Sherri Mitchell
- https://earthseedlandcoop.org
- www.ourspaceworld.org
- People of Color Sustainable Housing Network – https://www.pochousingnetwork.com & https://www.facebook.com/groups/POCHousingNetwork/
- https://thefreedomgeorgiainitiative.com/
- www.EBCOHO.org
- Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative – https://www.parableofsowercoop.com
Events & announcements mentioned in the call
- Saturday, April 24th @ 3 pm https://fb.me/e/7Hjtr1iYQ
Bring Mumia Home Mumia Abu-Jamal is Philadelphia’s Innocent Native Son – On April 24, 2021, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 67th birthday, supporters will be taking to the streets of Philadelphia and worldwide to demand Mumia’s immediate release from prison and access to adequate medical care. The Main Rally and March in Philadelphia will begin at 2 pm at Philadelphia City Hall (see map/directions). Transportation available from New York City to Philadelphia on April 24th. Meet at 10 am at the north end of Union Square (17th Street and Park Avenue), Manhattan, and departing shortly thereafter. Due to COVID restrictions, seating will be less than half normal capacity and therefore advanced reservations are required. - Sunday April 25th – How BIPOC Communities Can Obtain Funding to Upstart– hosted by Global Ecovillage Network, At this event you can hear Crystal from the BIPOC council talking about the BIPOC fund.
- Post Capitalism Conference – Online April 22-25. https://cooperationhumboldt.com/post-capitalism-conference. “The conference is envisioned as a virtual space for grassroots organizations, community activists, educators, students, and others committed to social and environmental justice to come together to exchange experiences/information, strengthen alliances and networks, and devise strategies to create an explicitly post-capitalist society using the “Solidarity Economy” framework.”
In care,
Zarinah, Patrice & the BIPOC council.